Saturday, March 31, 2007

Charter sucks (part deux)

For those who care, I've updated my diatribe on my on-going battle with Charter. Click here if you dare.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Today I had a problem with my HD DVR box. I called the "Tech Support" to get the problem resoved. They could not (shocker). So they are going to send a tech to my house. I did some searching on the internet and what do I find. The reason my DVR box is doing what it is doind. It is updating itself with the latest firmware. Why could the idiot from TS tell me this? This is sad. Charter You SUCK!

Thursday, May 03, 2007 3:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Former charter employee here.....DUN DUN DUN....LOL!! You people are RIDICULOUS!!! I always laughed when people asked for my tech id, like getting that info would ever do anything. Even if you called back in, and said "The tech i spoke with tech # blah blah blah, and they were horrible", nothing would get done. You see, it goes back to kindergarden days, when you tattle on someone, you're the one who gets in trouble. So doing that does nothing. You people have probably had such horrible service based on the notes on your account. If the tech can see that you're always rude when you call in, they won't help you. Which brings to me another elementary thought process that you people failed to take into consideration and that is - treat people how you want to be treated. anyway, just wanted to let you know that your suggestions, and the way you have been trying to solve your charter problems won't get you anywhere. They have mute buttons, and are laughing at you when you try to sound big and bad. Speaker phone too. Anyway, you have no idea how funny you people are!!!

Friday, May 18, 2007 12:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Former Charter Employee's post says it all...Bla Bla Bla. Charter's left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing, even if Charter was organized to communicate efficiently they still wouldn't get anything fixed. A good example is the cables laying on the ground for more than a few days, that was a Safety Hazard...

Your County Commissioners should have been notifed immediately, as well as a call to Skip James, Charter's Director of Government Relations who works right down the street in Duluth (770-806-7060 ext 119).
Take a look at this site for Charter problems in Alabama:

Sunday, September 23, 2007 6:28:00 AM  

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