Monday, November 21, 2005

Georgia native makes global plea to blog watchers

I sent out a bulk email last night inviting almost 500 people to check out my blog. After emailing these unsuspecting souls, I couldn't decide if having done so would be looked at by them as vain on my part or just plain desperate. A blog by its very nature does lend itself toward vanity. The author thinks that he has some unique take on life and that people actually care to hear it. But being conceited is of little worth if you don't also have blog watchers who further inflate your ego by letting you know they've read your blog. Hence my desperate call for more of them.

I admit that I did not actually know all the recipients of this message. Many of the addresses were some I swiped from other bulk emailings I have received. If you have reached this site because you got an email from some Kevin guy you didn't know, you likely either a) did community theater with someone who emailed the both of us, b) took a real estate class at the law offices of Weissman Nowack with me, or c) got word of a Nigerian banking opportunity at the same time I did. In other words, you and I most likely know someone in common. Think of it like the six degrees of Kevin Bacon, only this is with a different Kevin and there are fewer degrees. If on the other hand you and I do know each other, thanks for humoring me enough to point your browser in my direction. You have proven yourself to be the kind of person I would lend a cup of sugar to or ask if I could borrow two hundred dollars. On second thought, scratch that. We're getting kind of low on sugar.

In the brief time since I sent out the email, I've received a variety of responses. As I had hoped, some people looked at it as an opportunity to fill me in on their lives. Some shared good news, others bad. I now have a growing list of people with whom I feel the need to touch base (aside from an impersonal bulk email of course.) So far I've only had one nervous nellie write back that if I did not remove her name from my list, she would report me as spam. Ooooh. Go on, Webenezer Scrooge. Make my day.


Blogger DD said...

I don't think it can be considered spam if you're not selling hurry up and get some affiliate links here so you can really piss off some civilians. Ach, they should be glad they actually received an email. LOL!

Monday, November 28, 2005 10:50:00 PM  

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