Sunday, August 28, 2005

Testing testing 1...2...P

A French lab claims a urine specimen Lance Armstrong provided in 1999 has tested positive for steroids. Results of this test aside, does anyone else find it gross that the French leave old frozen urine samples lying around? I can see freezing sperm, embryos or even your body if you're into cryogenics, but what good is frozen urine? Come to think of it, the Metro stations around the seedy Pigalle district in Paris smelled pretty pungent when I was there, but I always thought the assailants were local. Has anyone tested to see what those yellow cancer bracelets are made of? I suppose nothing says refreshment like an ice-cold pee-cicle on a hot summer's day.


Blogger Unknown said...

pee-sicle. That is my new word of the day!!

Friday, April 04, 2008 9:57:00 AM  

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